A Curriculum Vitae by Joel Benoit

Joel Benoit
Editor, Cartographer, Publisher, Technical Information Officer, Policy Analyst    
Email: Joel.r.benoit@gmail.com
                   Phone: 613 808 0472                                            

Significant Contributions
Policy Analyst, Ottawa, ON
Health Canada, First Nations and Inuit Health Branch, Environmental Research Division, April 2007-Aug. 2007
-    Assessed and analyzed policies for environmental impact of DIAND/Health Canada-funded DEW Line Station Oil Fuel Contamination Management program;
-    Aided in writing Memorandum to Cabinet Submission with Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment (SEA); researched strategic environmental management, hazardous waste remediation, biostatistics, and management of contaminated sites. Knowledge and understanding of environmental legislation;
-    Performed benefit-cost analysis and statistical analysis;
-     Allocated funding arrangements for the Assembly of First Nations (AFN) Environmental Stewardship Program; and
-     Allocated budget for the Canadian Council of Minister of the Environment (CCME) Aboveground Diesel Storage & Distribution Systems Site Inspections and Tank Registration for Health Canada Nursing Station Sites (contribution funded through the Centre for Indigenous Environmental Resources [CIER]).

Polar Program Assistant, Arendal Norway
United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) GRID-Arendal, Key Polar Unit, September 2008 - April 2009
-    Provided briefing notes in correspondence with the Canadian Embassy in Norway for the Canadian Delegation to the Sixth Ministerial Meeting of the Arctic Council in Tromso, Norway;
-    Web and PDF content editor for the UNEP-IEA Community Learning Platform;
-    Edited the COMAN Report, a UNEP/GEF Project – Russian Federation: Support to the National Programme of Action for the Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment;
-    Content and data management of graphic image inventory for UNEP Vital Water Graphics – 2nd  Edition;
-    Edited web publication of The Global Environment Outlook (GEO) Assessment, 4th Edition;
-    Created custom Google Earth tour using OpenGIS® KML Encoding Standard (OGC KML service, Google Geocoder and Google Maplets API, XML), creating placemarks with popup windows displaying all campaign participants in Many Strong Voices (MSV) programme for MSV Workshop, UNEP RONA, Washington, DC 2009.
-    Narrator for the Interactive E-Book version of “Kick the Habit: A UN Guide to Climate Neutrality”;
-    Edited contract for UNEP-ENVSEC sponsored, Caucasus Post-conflict In-Depth environmental assessment for Regional Field Programme;
-    Contributed in a follow up project called Expand REDUCE (to Expand the material and methodologies from the original REDUCE project). Programme was expanded and implemented internationally through various institutions and development industries, i.e. Czech Cleaner Production Centre, Lund University, Agder Maritime Forum, VSB Technical University of Ostrava etc. The programmed was funded by Arendal Maritime Videregående skole and the Commission of the European Communities. Reduce provides training and information warehousing to improve awareness to students and industry workers of the existing harmful effects of using bio-hazardous chemicals and how we may reduce bio hazardous chemical uses by remediating chemical usage practices or incorporating alternative practices into work-type scenarios. www.reduce.no;
-    Language edited “TEK in Northern Natural Resource Management Report”. Report sponsored by UNEP GRIDA Statoil IEM project; and
-    Content and data management of graphic image inventory for UNEP Environmental Food Crisis, presented at UNEP Nairobi February 18, 2009.

Web Production Assistant, Ottawa, ON
Department of National Defense, Director of Army Public Affairs (DAPA), Army News, January – February, 2010
-    Consolidated publications into a single web-based newsletters including CF coverage of Op-Hestia, Afghanistan and related  national news;
-    Managed web Content Management System (CMS) to implement self-service tools to improve site functionality;
-    Managed projects of contract journalist & freelancer writers;
-    Prioritized project specifications and development plans, driving progress of written concepts until web launch;
-    Ability to use custom applications in Oracle, JavaScript, XML, XHTML, CSS;
-    Created a variety of web-based systems including iTunes Music Store (Podcasting), and
Youtube; and
-    Experience in digital photographic imaging, color correction, video editing, and graphic design techniques in.

Policy Analyst, Ottawa, ON
Health Canada , First Nations and Inuit Health Branch, Mental Health and Addictions Unit,  September 2007 – April 2008
-       Edit and wrote for the National Aboriginal Youth Suicide Prevention Strategy (NAYPSP) newsletters creating research reports, program books, brochures, fliers, and promotional and marketing materials for the campaign;
-       Tracked project components through editing and approval; review, proofread, and correct text;
-       Catalogued and backed up all Consolidated Contributions Agreements from the Community Health Programs Directorate for all funding Regions, from the years 2002 – 2008, using Contribution Management System inventory; and
-       Examined long-term tracking, level of control, flexibility, authority, reporting requirements and accountability required in implementing Consolidated Contribution Agreements.

Technical Information Officer, Ottawa, ON
Public Health Agency of Canada, Chief of Public Health’s Reporting Office, Sept. 2009-Nov.2009
-    Edited French web version of The Chief of Public Health Officers Report on The State of Public Health of Canada 2009; and
-    Writer and table developer for The Chief of Public Health Officers Report on the State of Public Health of Canada 2010.

Healthcare Web Advisor, Ottawa, ON,
National Aboriginal Health Organization, ICAH.CA | NAHO.CA, Summer 2006 
-    Formulate e-strategic guidance and conceptual consulting;
-    Provide content research and synthesis;
-    Perform the evaluation, planning, development, deployment and ongoing use of web-based mechanisms and information; and
-    Build and maintain health career, education and training database.

Community Activities
UNEP World Conservation Monitioring Centre (WCMC), Cambridge, UK
November 2008
Attended meetings to examine potential work collaborations between UNEP-WCMC and UNEP-GRIDA Polar Unit for future funding arrangements. Work objectives were delivered and presented to primary collaborators with success.

Arendal International School, Arendal, NO
Humanities teacher
February 2009
Worked with children from elementary school through high school, focusing primarily on Environmental Geography and writing skills and on preparation for standardized tests like the SAT and high school qualification exams.

The Examiner, Denver, CO
Canada Native Issues Examiner, News Writer
February 2010 – Present

Ottawa Native Friendship Centre/Wabano Centre for Aboriginal Health
, Ottawa, ON
Fall 2007 – Winter 2008
Tutored aboriginal children working towards their GED/Diploma in math and geography once per week. Often created true breakthroughs for students with respect to their geographic skills and their appreciation of their own abilities and potential.

National Capital Vision Impaired Sports Associatio
Ottawa, ON
Summer 2007-Present
Worked with visual impairs peoples helping with sports activities. Activities included dragon-boating, hiking, tandem biking, and swimming.

Technical Skills
Platforms: Windows 3.1/95/98/NT/2000/XP/Vista, Linux, MAC
Software: Adobe Master Collection CS4, ESRI (ArcView, ArcIMS, ARC/INFO, ArcCatalogue, MA), GEOCAP, AMIKAN, Google Earth (KML, KMZ, API), Lotus 1-2-3, MS Office Pro 97/2007, WordPerfect 2000, STATA, SPSS, Beyond 20/20, ERADAS, Acrobat, EPI6, NANO, Jmap, Microstation, DIAS, DECA, PeopleSoft GC HRMS 8.9, uDig
Programming: SPSS, JavaScript (Basic), VB, HTML, SGML and XML, KML Version 2.2, RSS, GEORSS, SQL, C++

B.A. History/Minor Geography, Apr. 2008   
Specialization: Urban Planning (Risk assessment and contaminated sites), Northern Canadian Economic Systems, History of First Nations and Inuit, Cartography, Geography of Arab World, Bio Statistics, Human Kinetics
Laurentian University, Faculty of Arts and Science, Sudbury, ON
Courses Taken, 2003-2005
Specialization: Totalitarian History, Computer Science
Nipissing University, Faculty of Arts, North Bay, ON
Research and Planning Certificate, June. 2009
Epidemiological design, Concept mapping, conventional statistical theory, measurement biases, causality and inference, univariate analysis in planning
Sponsored by University of Ottawa/Laval University, CIET/ACADRE 

Security Level
Secret Level II 95-49-0348

Referenced materials
Ahlenius, Hugo.  Projected losses in food production due to climate change by 2080 -  UNEP/GRID-Arendal Maps and Graphics Library. In Responding to Global Challenges using Nature’s Own Solutions: The Sahara Forest Project - Stage 1.  Ed. Joel Benoit. Arendal Norway: UNEP-GRID Arendal, 2009. Retrieved October 1st, 2009 at http://www.bellona.no/filearchive/fil_Sahara_Forest_Project_folder_ow.pdf

Rekacewicz , Philippe.  Total population: access to sanitation - UNEP/GRID-Arendal Maps and Graphics Library. In IERPE  Memorandum for a World Water Protocol Conference Secretariat Peace with water Brussels, 12 and 13 February 2009 European Parliament. Ed. Joel Benoit.  Arendal, Norway: UNEP-GRID Arendal, 2009. Retrieved October 1st, 2009 at http://www.greenbelgium.org/docs/waterdragers/01_Memorandum-WorldWaterProtocol.pdf

Novikov, V.,  Rekacewicz, P.,  Ahlenius, H..  UNEP/GRID-Arendal Maps and Graphics Library. In Responsible Competitiveness in the Arab World 2009: Marking Sustainable Development Count in Regional Market – Foreword by Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. Ed. Joel Benoit. Arendal, Norway: UNEP-GRID Arendal, 2009. Retrieved October 1st, 2009 at http://www.accountability21.net/uploadedFiles/publication/Responsible%20Competitiveness%20in%20the%20Arab%20World%202009.pdf

Agence de la Sante Public du Canada, Public Health Agency of Canada, Rapport sur l'état de la santé publique au Canada 2008, Ottawa Canada, 2009. Retrieved November 6th, 2009 at http://www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/publicat/2008/cphorsphc-respcacsp/index-fra.php

Novikov, V.,  Rekacewicz, P.,  Ahlenius, H.. UNEP/GRID-Arendal and UNEP-WCMC (2009): The Environmental Food Crisis. In the Research Institute of Agricultural Economics
Committee on Agricultural Economics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences: STUDIES IN
Ed. by Joel Benoit. Arendal, Norway: UNEP-GRID Arendal, 2009. Retrived December 10th, 2009 at http://ageconsearch.umn.edu/bitstream/52193/2/Studies_110-01.pdf


  1. This is interesting too https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PsJ1_sqlWHo


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