Apple Helps You to Have Office Affairs [Retromodo]

I'd say my computer and I have become attached more so now then ever. Its doesn't come with sexual organs but you could love it the same way you do a person. Take care of it, clean it, pamper it with upgrades, feed it lavish data, you name it...It'll happen sometime or another, I mean since the dawning of "Real Dolls", it doesn't seem too far fetched to take you computer out for a night on the town. Where did you put your iphone again....

Apple Helps You to Have Office Affairs [Retromodo]: "

Apple ads are usually quite good. Sometimes, however, they are so bad that I would like to bitchslap the copywriter. When the headline is 'Start a personal relationship at the office,' you know it's going down hill from there.

Actually, it doesn't only go just downhill. It crashes into a dark, smelly pothole: 'And learn more about the office relationship that can free you up for other affairs.'

And there you were, thinking that Mad Men promoted bad stereotypes.
